Original Art by Pancho & Beatrix...click on an image:
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"Blue Moon"

"Phoenix Rising" (

"The Perfection of Interconnection"

"Tears From Heaven" (

"Harmony and Lotus"

"Sacred Earth"

"Fairy Dust"

"Secrets of the Akasha"

"Sunset Buddhas"

"Harmonic Convergence"


Previously sold works by Pantrix:

"Language of the Gods" (sold)


"Egyptian Mystery" (sold)


"Flower of Life (green)" (sold)


"I Ching (8 Elements)" (sold)


"The Unity of Diverrsity" (sold)(

"Spiral Gallaxy" (sold)

"Seven Circles" (sold)

"Tale From Ancient Egypt" (sold)

"Conclave of the Forest Buddhas" (sold)

"Full Lotus" (sold)

"Sacred Geometry" (sold)

"Sahasara" (sold)

"Shri Yantra" (sold)

"Flower of life (orange)" (sold)

"The Peacock's Ascension" (sold)

"Homage to Ra" (sold)

"Flower of life (blue)" (sold)

"Heaven and Earth" (sold)

"Praying For Peace" (sold) (

"Circle of Cycles" (sold)

"Sacred Space" (Sold)

"Gaia" (Sold)

"Heart Sutra" (Sold)

"Serendipity" (Sold)

"Wheels of Karma" (Sold)

"Akashic Record" (Sold)

"Starburst" (Sold)

"Contemplating the Infinite Blue Beyond" (Sold)

"Sun Dance" (Sold)

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